Completion requirements
Tingnan ang talahulugan sa pamamagitan ng indeks na ito
Espesyal | A | O | U | E | I | H | P | K | S | L | T | N | B | M | G | R | D | Y | Ng | W | LAHAT
A |
AssignmentUse to collect, assess & provide feedback on assignments. Category: Assessment | |
B |
BigBlueButtonRun live videoconferencing sessions within Moodle. | |
BookA series of pages with chapters and sub-chapters. | |
C |
ChatHold real-time text chat discussions with class. | |
ChoiceEnable students to vote, to choose subjects; in order to get a trend. | |
D |
DatabaseAllow students to collect, share & search created artifacts. | |
F |
FeedbackUse to gather data from students on any topic. | |
FileUpload a file (Word Document / PowerPoint / PDF / etc.) | |
FolderUpload a group of files into a folder. | |
ForumUse for many types of learning activities. Promote discussion: debates, reporting, role-playing, news analysis, lists of ideas, etc. | |